Blaire White 写真 #35

gabbilek, msblairewhite

3 いいね

She looks so good in the sunlight 🤩

She would look even better with my nice big load on her face

Hard to disagree 🙈

HA, you do realize she's a tranny,right?

Sure, still hot 😍

I'm talking to the guy who claims to hate trannies but secretly has a thing for them. You're cool you at least don't hide what you're about

Good grief, it took you long enough to find this one, I was getting worried you stopped following me, and threw out some bait, it has been well over a week, and sans the other day I thought I had lost you, it is still glad I have you subscribed, lol

Tonight should be a dream come true for you, it seems Fapello raided a huge dude with titty implant sight

You didn't bait anyone Your gaydar failed you and you got caught Careful buddy your insecurity is showing

It took me no time to find you You're just 1 tranny post away at any given time

the insecurity is yours, it shows daily with your posts, attacking every person you can, you dick ride me harder than any of these trannies you lust over and it is kind've fun, my gaydar didn't fail me, it picked up on you right away

It is the insecure nigga, who has to attack every other nigga that post something, you calling that dude a fat cheetoch eating mother fucker and all that other bullshit, going after people calling them gay and shit, you just projecting your own fat cheetoh eating, gay tranny loving, molested by his transexual dad insecurities and kinks onto other people

And see I have stayed true, I dont care if you are gay, I generally don;t kink shame, but truthfully some of the motha fuckers are out there, my only thing is the gender bullshit, trannies are fuckin dudes and need to stay out of the bathroom and locker room with little girls, that and delusional motha fuckers who call them chics thinking they ain't gay, the issue aint being guy it is lying to yourself and others, and see that is your problem, you lie to yourself, no just about this but about EVERYTHING and you project your own hang ups about yourself onto others, your love for cock, fear of women, desire to be a tranny yourself, your tiny dick, and fat ass insecurities, and it might be just as bad how transparent you are and being either to stupid to realize it or more delusional that any of us imagined, I dont want to you to cut that wrist, ingest them pills, or get them titty implants, homey, but you need to be real with yo self, nigga, lol seriously

there, you always liked my essays, so there is another for you to read and then dick ride me about, keep me entertained and keep coming back

Just get over your ego already and admit that you are actually a tranny yourself

It'll be so much sexier when we can all be trannies together

see CH is the one who actually has me figured out

I am a self hating tranny that lied to myself for years only to realize, I am still a fuckin dude, these giant, voluptuous, absolutely heavenly double D's are fooling anyone, except me, for a small period of time, now they remind me, I am mentally fucked up